
Highland High School students will take the stage this weekend for their annual spring performance. The class is presenting the Bryan Starchman show “No Signs of Intelligent Life,” a comedy on the adventures of life on Earth. The show follows a group of extraterrestrials who visit Earth and attempt to fit in, meeting many different members of the human race including teenagers, rednecks, survivalists, tech support nerds and more. Members of the cast spoke with KCII news this week about the show, “Aliens are trying to do every day tasks and mess them up pretty bad. I think each alien depends on the personality of the actual person playing it. They can be anywhere from way out there to, kind of shy and reserved. It also depends on the scene because there are different scenes where you have to portray different personalities for your alien.” 

Performances will be Saturday, May 7th at 7p.m. And Sunday, May 8th at 2p.m. at Highland High School. You can hear from the Highland cast during Friday’s JJ Nichting Company In Touch with Southeast Iowa on air and at kciiradio.com.