Graduating high school seniors still have time to apply for KCII’s annual business and broadcasting scholarships.
KCII awards two students in the listening area each with $500 who are pursuing education in broadcasting or business. General Manager Joe Nichols understands that post-secondary school can be costly, so every dollar counts, “I think the main thing for us is helping the kids out. I recently had a high school senior that graduated last year and every little bit helps to further that education. And we want kids who want to further their education through a two year or four-year college have the ability to do that, and if this helps to further that then that’s what we’re looking for. That’s what we want to do is provide the opportunities for people who want to do that to be able to.”
Scholarship applications are due this Friday, and the recipients will be announced on May 20th. You can find a form at high school guidance counselor offices in the greater Washington County area, or download a copy below.