The Washington City Council approved modifying plans for a water main project on East Main Street during their recent meeting.
City Administrator Deanna McCusker informed that they are still in the design phase with FOX Engineering for improvements planned on the street from 12th to 15th avenues which they hope to let for bids in the next month. McCusker explained that the property owners at 1408 East Main Street are concerned that the work will increase their already sloped driveway. She said that the best and most affordable option would be to stop the sidewalk from just west of the alley west of the property. Council Member Bethany Glinsmann asked if honoring this request would open a can of worms for other homeowners with similar driveway issues. Council Member Steven Gault suggested that they form an agreement that would require the property owner to install sidewalks to the corner of 15th Avenue if sidewalks are installed on that street.