Horticulturalists and arborists should make their way to Washington this Saturday for two annual events.
The Washington Tree Committee is hosting their free tree giveaway, and the Washington County Master Gardeners will offer their finest accomplishments this spring at their plant sale. The tree giveaway is moving back to its traditional location this year on the east side of the downtown square. Over 120 trees will be given away at 8 a.m., which is made possible by a grant from the Washington, Iowa Betterment Foundation. Monetary donations are appreciated. The plant sale will begin at 8 a.m. and last until items are sold out at the Palmer Polygonal Barn on the Washington County Fairgrounds. Prices are as low as $1, with the plants donated by the master gardeners. They will also be on hand to answer any gardening questions. You can find the list of trees being offered below. For more information about the plant sale or the Master Gardener program contact Andy Miller at the Washington County Extension office at 319-653-4811.