
A request to move proceedings to juvenile court has been denied for one of the teenagers charged with the murder of Fairfield High School teacher Nohema Graber.

Almost two weeks since the hearing for 17-year-old Jeremy Everett Goodale, Judge Shawn Showers filed a written ruling Wednesday denying the motion. The ruling notes that the Court finds there is probable cause that Goodale committed the offense of which he is charged with first-degree murder, a class A felony, and conspiracy to commit a forcible felony, a class C felony. Showers also mentioned testimony from 8th Judicial District Juvenile Probation Officer Karen Dennler in which she stated the process of a juvenile court disposition and placement into one of the state’s facilities can take several months. She also stated that all facilities, except for the Iowa State Training School for Boys, would only be able to hold Goodale until his 18th birthday, regardless of his treatment status. If placed at the training school, he could reside there for up to 18 months after the dispositional order or until he received his high school diploma or equivalency.

Based on several factors regarding rehabilitation and the nature and circumstances of the crime, Showers found there are no reasonable prospects for rehabilitating Goodale in juvenile court. A jury trial is scheduled to commence on August 23rd at a venue to be determined, with a pretrial conference on August 1st at the Jefferson County Courthouse. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.