Current Washington County District 3 Supervisor, Marcus Fedler, is running for re-election in the upcoming June 7th, Primary against opponent Bill Poch.
Fedler shares what of his personal and professional experience makes him the right fit for County Supervisor, “There’s a couple of things, I’ve run my own business successfully for 19 years, have grown it, so I know a little bit about budgeting and expenses associated with a functioning office, that sort of thing. It does translate a little bit to government, our funding sources are a little bit different obviously than owning my own business but that’s part of it.”
Fedler shared what some of his objectives are if re-elected. He wants to reduce the size and scope of government as much as possible and try to figure out a way to make the current government more monetarily efficient. He adds, “Well I am looking for support to head that direction, I’d like to go another four years. I think in four years we can have a majority of my initial ideas finalized, it may take a little bit longer than that, government is a little slower than normal things but I’m certainly, I would say the most qualified to lead the county down that path of consolidating business.”
Beginning Wednesday, May 18th, absentee ballots will be available for voters who wish to vote absentee by mail or in-person at the Auditor’s Office. The deadline to request a mailed absentee ballot is at 5 p.m. May 23. Hear more from Fedler during the JJ Nichting Company in Touch with Southeast Iowa program on air and at kciiradio.com.