Spring cleaning will leave the Columbus Junction Public Library with a refreshed look over the coming weeks. According to Library Director Mandy Grimm they have been hard at work moving materials around the library including those in the children’s area, filing cabinets, documents, shelving, books and more in order for new carpet to be installed in the facility. The carpet in the area dates back to 2005, while the library moved into the portion of the City Hall building where it is currently housed in February of 2016. Grimm says that they were able to procure help from Library Furniture International to move the shelving and books. Carriage House Carpet One of Muscatine is providing the carpet installation services. Grimm says that once the new flooring is down, they will work on the final phase to reorganize current materials for a better patron experience. The library is also offering furniture and items no longer needed to the public for a freewill donation, which you can find photos of on their Facebook page.