The cities of Kalona and Riverside are offering a chance for residents to tidy up their property this weekend.
From 8-11a.m. this Saturday, residents are encouraged to participate in Kalona’s spring clean-up at the west parking lot in City Park. They will accept items such as glass, windows, mirrors, plastics, scrap metal, holiday lights, bicycles, small camping grills, mattresses, box springs, furniture, appliances and electronics. They will not accept yard waste, cardboard, tires, oil, roofing and building materials, railroad ties or telephone poles, items that contain asbestos, light bulbs, hazardous materials or lead acid batteries.
Cost to dispose of items will be figured upon arrival based on size and weight with electronics starting at $10 and appliances $15. For more information about the Kalona spring citywide clean-up, contact Kalona City Hall at 319-656-2310.
For Riverside, the clean-up will be from 7-10a.m. Saturday on River Street. Residents need to enter south on Ella Street off of Highway 22 for a one-way drop off moving west. There is a $10 disposal fee for appliances and electronics and a limit of four tires per household. Tires must be off rims and no commercial tires will be accepted. To volunteer for the event or for more information contact Riverside City Hall at 319-648-3501.