The Washington City Council approved the first reading of their amended water and sewer rates at Tuesday’s meeting.
The ordinance reads no change to the monthly base service charge of $17.85 per account for water and $31.50 per account for sewer. However, the water usage rate will increase by 25 cents to $4.99 per 100 cubic feet, and 22 cents to $4.68 per 100 cubic feet for sewer. Mayor Jaron Rosien commented before the reading was approved unanimously, “I empathize with everyone’s position that it would be fun to vote no, but our job is to vote according to what’s in the best interests of the community as a whole. And as I kind of set up for you, I reminded council that this was a part of the budget discussion and the budget plan for the year. And to change course would require significant changes in many other areas as a ripple effect. If council saw fit to not follow through with what you did during the budget season.”
Second and third readings will follow to amend the ordinance with the new rates to take effect July 1st.