Axiom Consultants has announced that work on the Third Street project in Riverside is beginning its second phase. The project, which started on May 9th, includes water main, curb and gutter, street and sidewalk work along all of Third Street from Highway 22 to Washington Street, including intersections. The first phase of the project as detailed by Axiom is work from Highway 22 to east of Greene Street. That work still continues. Phase two will be east of Greene Street to Washington Street. They remind residents that the plan is to work one block at a time, weather permitting and to keep all vehicles, children and pets out of the construction zone. Property access for those affected is to be through alleys. They ask that construction barriers remain in place.
The construction contract totaling $3.3 million was awarded to Streb Construction of Iowa City. The entire project is set to be finished in late August or early September, weather permitting.