The Wellman Heritage Society will be opening its doors to the public beginning Wednesday, June 1 and will be open every Wednesday through October. Hours of operation are 1 pm – 3 pm and also by appointment.
Wellman Heritage Society Vice President Austin Bayliss gives a sneak peek to visitors, “When you walk around this museum you’ll see a lot of different times in Wellman’s history. In the backroom we have a section dedicated to the Grand Theater. A lot of people don’t realize that Wellman had a movie theater for many years, the early ‘20’s until 1958 when it caught fire and closed.”
Bayliss shares what he likes at the museum, “One of the things I like walking around and seeing here is what I feel is a lost art today. You walk around this museum and you see print advertising whether it’s on matchbooks, whether it’s on calendars, or mugs or glasses and you just don’t see that as much today. Everything’s gone digital or it’s disposable and there’s just something neat about walking through and seeing different businesses and many of which I’ve never heard of.”
The Wellman Heritage Society is located at 228 8th Avenue.Hear more from Bayliss during a JJ Nichting Company In Touch with Southeast Iowa program at kciiradio.com.