It’s time to meet the second candidate running for the Republican nomination in the June 7th primary election for Washington County Recorder.
Teresa Mangold is running against Dawn Fall-Hayes on the Republican ballot. No candidates are filed on the Democratic ballot for the elected position whose duties include to maintain real estate records, issue marriage applications, register birth, death, and marriage records, and registration services for recreational vehicles such as boats, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles.
Mangold resides north of Washington and works as an administrative assistant for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources field office in Washington. Mangold’s interest in county recorder was formed upon current recorder Jo Greiner’s announcement of retirement. She shares with KCII why she believes she is the right person for the job, “I think personally just the fact that I’ve lived pretty much my whole life in Washington County and know a lot of the residents locally and professionally working with the state and the public for 15 years, I think just makes me a great candidate for the office.”
Polls will be open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, June 7th for the primary election, and absentee ballots can be cast at the Washington County Auditor’s Office at the courthouse now through June 6th. You can hear more from Mangold during Tuesday’s Halcyon House Washington Page on air and at kciiradio.com.