Close up of pre-teen friends in a park smiling to camera
A variety of experiences and adventures awaits area kids at the Washington Kirkwood Regional Center’s Kirkwood for Kids camp, including an offering this year for middle schoolers.
Kirkwood for Kids Camp lasts June 20-23 for those in kindergarten through fifth grade, with adventures that include going on a bear hunt, under the sea, and to outer space, as well as offerings featuring creepy crawlers, drum line, mad science, tie dye explosion, and more. Center Director Tera Pickens is excited for Camp Exploration at Kirkwood which takes place June 27-30 for sixth through eighth graders, “The course offerings for this camp are a little bit more related to potential career interest areas. It’s going to be very hands-on learning, exploratory. Kids can choose anything from our general hospital, which is going to focus more on the healthcare-related career fields. Also some great opportunities in our auto tech lab, we have a Car Doctor camp. Of course welding is always a hit at Kirkwood, our Wild Welding class. We have a great law enforcement opportunity summer camp. As well as a construction zone, so students can build and create in our ACE lab.”
Registration for all the Kirkwood camps is due June 1st, and scholarships are available for those who qualify on a first come, first served basis. Bus transportation will also be provided this year with pick up and drop off locations throughout the county. To register visit here.