
The Washington Noon Kiwanis is excited for their third year at the helm of a decades long event that brings friends and fins together.

The annual fishing derby for adults with disabilities takes place Wednesday, June 1st from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Marr Park near Ainsworth. Luke Horak says the Noon Kiwanis group was proud to take over the event previously hosted by the Izaak Walton League, and his grandfather Paul Horak who was diagnosed with polio was one of the event’s first organizers in the 1950’s. The derby welcomes around 100 participants, largely composed of WCDC clients, but Horak says any adult with a mental or physical disability is encouraged to join, “Many of these clients that come in, especially those with some disabilities, this is a big day for them. They look forward to this fishing day and to see the excitement when they feel that little tug on the line and they fight that fish to come in. It is just an absolute joy to see their expression, to see their excitement and to hear them yelling over to their friends, ‘Look what I caught!’ And all the attraction when they’re reeling in this fish and they’re landing in this fish and seeing the attention they get from others is just fantastic.”

Per tradition, the event concludes with a lunch and awards ceremony emceed by County Sheriff Jared Schneider. This is a free event, and Horak is grateful for their partners in the Marr Park staff, Iowa Department of Natural Resources fisheries staff, Washington Community School District for transportation, and others who make it a continued success. For more information you can contact Horak at 319-461-0009.