The Iowa Pork Producers will be at the Louisa County Fairgrounds on Wednesday June 1st, as part of their “Thank You Tour.”
Communications Director of Iowa Pork Producers Association Dal Grooms is excited for the upcoming event, “We are coming to the Columbus Junction area on June 1st, as part of what we’ve been calling our Thank You Tour. But it’s a thank you event for the area. To let people know in the area that we really appreciate their support during the past few years. There have been challenging times for pig farmers and those in pork production, but as we travel the state we discover we have lots of community support for our farmers and others involved in the pig industry.”
Grooms says the pork loins will be 4-5 lbs., and frozen. You can stop by between 5:30-7:30 pm. Residents of the KCII listening area are encouraged to attend and receive their free pork loin.
Hear more from Grooms during Tuesday’s JJ Nichting Company In Touch with Southeast Iowa Program on air and at kciiradio.com.