The Washington County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday. They approved the personnel change request for the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and approved the fireworks permit for Richmond AmVets.
The first reading of the Washington County Flood Plain Management plan was also discussed with Supervisor Marcus Fedler questioning the logistics and the enforceability of the current plan. One of his major concerns being the “vague” nature of the plan where attempts to comply leave too many questions surrounding what is considered a proper flood deterrent such as building a dyke or elevating a building.
“Based on the information I have in front of me it’s one of those things where a judgement call has to be made because it’s not very specific. If you’re going to build a dyke all along the English River that just means the flood waters that do come through are just going to be a heck of a lot faster. Because of the obscureness of the rule they can just say you cant do that because you’re not in compliance.”
There will be a second reading of the Flood Plain Management plan at next week’s Board of Supervisors meeting.