
Saturday will be the third annual Washington Rainbow Walk and Pet Parade at Noon in Sunset Park that will celebrate the members of the LGBTQ+ Community in Washington and in other surrounding areas. 

The main parade will provide the onlookers with paint that they can safely toss on the parade participants before ending with a water balloon fight. This will be the second time that Whitney Gray has organized the Rainbow Walk and recounts the memorable experiences from last year.

“I took over last year and we just had a blast! There’s this choke point where you go over the Bridge in Sunset Park and spraying people with paint as they come across the bridge is just a blast.”

The pet parade will take place shortly after the main parade concludes and prizes will be awarded to the Best Dressed, Crowd Favorite and Judges Choice. Even though Gray is a dog person herself; she encourages all types of pets to participate in the parade.

“I don’t want to spoil everything but I have goodie baskets made up for the winners. So bring your dog dressed up and we’ll decide who will get these prize baskets. If you bring a different type of pet you might not get the prize basket because it is made for dogs, I’ll give you a gift card instead.”

Participants in the Rainbow Walk are encouraged to wear all white and those interested in the pet parade can either participate in both the Rainbow Walk and the pet parade.