The City of Ainsworth recently purchased a building in the city at 212 N. Railroad Street that is in need of renovation. The intention of the City’s purchase is to either rehab the building for new use or to tear it down.
The building has housed several businesses in its past. Most recently, it was the home of Peregrine Productions Ltd., a screen printing company.
The cost to Ainsworth taxpayers for the purchase of the building was $10,000 plus expenses which included attorney fees.
Ainsworth Mayor Troy McCarthy shares the City’s expectations after the purchase, “We would love for some developer to come in and purchase it from us, and fix it up and make it a viable business. If we can’t find somebody that can make the repairs that are needed on it then we will probably have to look to demolishing it.”
McCarthy adds that the kind of repairs needed for the building include; masonry work, roof work, repairs from water damage and general clean up. Anyone interested should contact Ainsworth City Hall at 319-657-3761.