Senator Chuck Grassley met with business owners and employees yesterday at Airport Road Winery and Vineyard in Mt. Pleasant for a Town Hall and was asked about various issues.
Grassley pledged his support for the Next Generation Fuels Act, which seeks to promote low-carbon, high-octane fuels, protect public health, and improve vehicle efficiency and performance. When asked how the legal immigration process could be sped up to help fill the need for agriculture workers, Grassley said that an abundance of bureaucracy is slowing down the process. Henry County saw the most significant increase in unemployment in May for the KCII listening area at just under .5%.
The issue of social security was brought up, and the reports that by 2034 the Social Security Administration will have exhausted excess reserves, which could mean reduced benefits for retirees at that time. Grassley believes that a resolution will eventually get worked out between Republicans and Democrats but doesn’t see an immediate solution due to the ongoing tension between the two sides.
Neither Senator Grassley nor his opponent in the November elections, Michael Franken, have announced any upcoming appearances in Washington County.