
The Iowa Organic Association will be conducting a Field Day/Workshop on Monday, July 18, titled “To Till or Not to Till.”  The goal of the event is to alleviate the confusion associated with tilling in organic practices. 

The first part of the event will be at the Wooden Wheel Vineyard  in Keota at 9 a.m. After lunch, Levi Lyle will host the group at his farm where he raises organic corn, soybeans, aronia berries, tart cherries and various other fruits.

Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Iowa Organic Association Olga Reding shares what Lyle has been focusing on and will be sharing, “He has been doing some research with Dr. Kathleen Delate from Iowa State University, and she will be there that day too, to talk about their research and delve deeper into the till or not to till question.”

To participate in the Field Day/Workshop rsvp on the Iowa organic website. To register for the Field Day/Workshop click here. Lunch is provided. The fee is $50 for non-Iowa Organic association members and $25 for members.