A Louisa County Hunter Education Class is being offered on Thursday, August 18 from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, August 20, from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at Langwood Education Center in Grandview. Students must attend both days to complete the Hunter Education requirement.
The free course consists of classroom lessons, field experiences and a written test. The class will be held entirely outdoors and attendees are encouraged to dress accordingly.
Naturalist & Environmental Education Coordinator Lana Artz-McComb explains student requirements for the class, “We offer two hunter education courses every single year one is in August and one is in March and so it’s a great time for anybody who is looking to purchase their hunting license this winter, to get the hunter education requirements taken care of. It’s required for any new hunter and you can be at least eleven-years-old to sign up for the class, and then you will need to be at least twelve-years-old by the time you need to purchase your hunting license in the fall.”
To register online for the class click here.