
Over the last three Washington City Council meetings, the council and Washington citizens have discussed possible changes to parking and street regulations. These changes revolve around new stop signs and no-parking zone implementation, leading to the first readings for these changes being shelved at the July 5th and 19th city council meetings.

Towards the end of the July 19th meeting, a workshop was held by the councilors to separate what Mayor Jaron Rosien called the “low hanging fruit” from the more contentious proposals. Below is a list of the changes that have been separated from the rest and will undergo a possible first reading at the August 2nd meeting.

No Parking Zones:

East Tyler Street

North Iowa Ave near the intersection with West and East 2nd St

West and South sides of Green Meadows Dr

Campbell Drive

North Ave D, 70 ft both sides North & South of the Intersection

Corners of East and West 3rd intersection with North Marion Ave and North Iowa Ave

South Ave C, 100 ft north of centerline with West Madison St

South 6th Ave, from East Monroe St to East Van Buren St

East Van Buren St, from South 7th Ave to South 10th Ave.

South 4th Ave, between East Washington St & East Jefferson St.

Stop Required:

New Stop Sign for the Meadow View Lane and South 12th Ave intersection

The next Washington City Council meeting will be on August 2nd, at 6 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall, with the floor open to public comment at the beginning of the meeting.