Christina Bohannan, the Democratic nominee for Iowa’s new 1st Congressional District, hosted a meet and greet at Chautauqua Park in Fairfield. Bohannan was joined by special guest Mike Heaton who is running for the Iowa House of Representatives in District 87. During her speech, Bohannan promised voters that if elected, she would work willingly with the other side of the aisle bringing up her track record in the Iowa House of Representatives.
Recently Bohannan, along with Michael Franken, received the endorsement of Jim Leach, a moderate Republican who represented Iowa in the U.S. House for over 30 years. Leach switched his party registration from Republican to Democrat to vote in the 2022 June primary and endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Bohannan talked with KCII about what this endorsement from a former long-time Iowa representative meant to her. “I’m truly honored to receive Jim Leach’s endorsement. Jim always told the truth and always put the needs of this district over the needs of party politics.”
Bohannan will be opposed in the 1st Congressional District race by Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and election day will be November 8th. Contact your local Auditors Office for more information about your local polling places.