
Crooked Creek Days will be in full swing August 5-7 in Winfield. The fun kicks off  Friday morning at nine with a two person best shot golf tournament at Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club. They will also serve a meal of pork burgers, brat patties and sides at 5:00 p.m. Fun continues through the evening with a family friendly bags tournament and dance along with something new this year, the Puzzle Escape Room. There will be bands at both Twin Lakes Country Club and at Welcome Inn starting at 9 p.m..


Coordinator for Crooked Creek Days Janet Reynolds shares the fun of the Puzzle Escape Room, “There’s a new Puzzle Escape Room put on by the Europe Trip, a teacher at the school takes kids to Europe every year so that’s to raise money for that. That will be at the City Office.” Mayor Willie Bender takes part in the fun at the Escape room as a character in the event who is accused of embezzling money.


Lots of events happen on Saturday including the Crooked Creek Days parade starting at 11:00 a.m.


To see a full list of events visit the Winfield Crooked Creek Days Facebook Page or under the Station Contests and Events tab.


The KCII Big Red Radio will be broadcasting live from the event on Saturday morning from 8-11:30 a.m. as part of the Big Red Radio Summer Town Tour.