
Precipitation early in the week for a few areas and late in the week for much of the State of Iowa resulted in 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 7, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Persistent dry conditions and above-average temperatures are a concern for many. Fieldwork included cutting and baling hay and applying pesticides and fungicides.

Topsoil moisture condition rated 20% very short, 30% short, 48% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 19% very short, 33% short, 47% adequate, and 1% surplus.

Corn silking or beyond was 93%, 5 days behind last year and 3 days behind the 5-year average. A total of 53% of the corn crop has reached the dough stage or beyond, 2 days behind last year, but 1 day ahead of the average. 5% of Iowa’s corn crop has reached the dent stage, 6 days behind last year and 1 day behind the 5-year average. Corn condition fell to 73% good to excellent.

Soybeans were blooming at a rate of 89%, 9 days behind last year and 3 days behind average. 69% of the soybean crop was setting pods, 1 week before last year and 1 day behind the 5-year average. Iowa’s soybean condition declined to 71% good to excellent. 

Oats were turning color or beyond at a rate of 96%, 9 days behind last year. Oats harvested for grain reached 82%, 1 day behind last year and the average.

The State’s second cutting of alfalfa hay was complete at a rate of 95% with the third cutting at 28%. All hay conditions rated 54% good to excellent. Pasture condition rated 36% good to excellent. Lack of rain and high heat caused some pastures to go dormant and CRP was released for grazing and haying areas.