
Photo Courtesy of Highland Schools

Recently, Highland Band Director, Andrew McDonald, reviewed this week’s Marching Band Camp.

The Highland Marching Band Camp continues through Friday, from 12-5p.m. daily. The camp is designed to prepare Highland band members before the school year and football season begins.

During camp, students will be taught and review the fundamentals of marching, such as the different maneuvers one has to do on the field or how big of a step size one should take. Musically, McDonald will help  students learn and memorize the Highland Fight Song, National Anthem, and begin practicing the half-time show songs.

In addition to those training activities, students will engage in fun, team-bonding activities at the end of the day.. McDonald mentions one game in which all students are given a playing card and must silently organize themselves from lowest to highest.

He hopes that by the end of the week, students will be familiar with marching band commands and able to fully perform the Highland Fight Song , the National Anthem, as well as fully perform, but not fully march, the half-time songs.