
Forty-seven projects across twelve categories were chosen to represent Washington County at the Iowa State Fair. These projects were recognized at the July 21st award ceremony at the Washington County Fair, receiving their State Fair plaques.

Washington County will have one representative in the $10 Meal Challenge, Animal Science, Child Development, and Veterinary Science. Washington County will have multiple representatives for the Clothing & Fashion, Food & Nutrition, Home Improvement, Woodworking, Personal Development, Photography, Sewing & Needle Arts, and Visual Arts categories, with the most representatives for photography with ten. A complete list of all Washington County Representatives can be found at the bottom of the article. / A complete list of all Washington County Representatives can be found in the article online at

All displays will be up at the Iowa State Fair until Monday, August 22nd. A complete list of display locations and events can be found on the Iowa State fair Website. 

