The Washington Sheriff’s Office responded to a call on Sunday from the MidAmerican Energy substation in Ainsworth after a masked individual was seen breaking into the fenced power facility. MidAmerican Energy security alerted the Sheriff’s Department, who arrested thirty-one-year-old David Leon Holmes of Fort Madison.
When questioned about why Holmes had broken into the fenced-in power plant, he claimed he was trying to find a place to charge his cell phone. Holmes has been charged with trespassing on a public utility property and burglary 3rd-degree, both of which are Class D felonies.
Holmes was transported to the Washington County Jail and issued a $2,000 cash or surety bond which was posted on Monday at 1:17 am. The preliminary hearing for Holmes has been set for August 24th at 11:00 am at the Washington County Courthouse. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.