The Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call Sunday from Washington County Ambulance, who said they were following a vehicle that was erratically driving all over the road. Units eventually caught up with the vehicle as it turned into a parking lot in Kalona, where they approached the driver.
Thirty-eight-year-old Octavio Rafael Leon Munoz of Kalona was arrested for OWI third or subsequent offense, a Class D felony, and driving while his license was revoked or suspended. Munoz failed all of the field sobriety tests and submitted a BAC test result of .179%, over twice the legal limit. Munoz was transported to the Washington County Jail and issued a $5,000 cash or surety bond which was posted on Monday at 1:19 am.
Munoz’s initial hearing has been set for August 24th at 11:00 am at the Washington County Courthouse. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.