
The Washington Sheriff’s Department arrested forty-seven-year-old Kimberly Diane Redmann of Davenport for a Washington County warrant for possession of a controlled substance 2nd offense and possession of contraband in a correctional institution, a Class D felony.

The original incident occurred in July when Redmann, while being searched at the Washington County Jail, was found to be carrying a small bag of methamphetamine in her shorts pocket. Redmann denied the drugs were hers and claimed she was wearing the shorts of an unknown female named Jessica. Needle marks were observed in Redmann’s arms and between her toes, and she admitted to consuming marijuana and possibly methamphetamine during questioning.

A warrant was issued for her arrest on July 28th. Redmann was transported to the Washington County Jail and was issued a $7,000 cash-only bond, with her initial appearance being set for September 14th at 11:00 am at the Washington County Courthouse. KCII will bring you more information as it becomes official.