The Washington County Extension Office and Washington County 4-H will begin their “Fall Kick Off and Prep” Leader’s meetings today at 6 p.m. at the Extension Office. Today’s meeting will be for the Clover Kids group leaders, with club volunteers also being encouraged to attend the meeting as well.
The meeting will include fall program planning, curriculum highlights, record book evaluations, award applications, and new year enrollment information. Amy Green, the Washington County 4-H and Youth Coordinator, spoke with KCII about why 4-H values record-keeping skills for their members.
“One thing that 4-H encourages kids to do no matter the project is to set a goal and to keep track of what they’ve done during that year to reach or to have not reached that goal. Kids will then put those record books together and give them to their club leader in September, and the leaders will sit down and score them. We believe it to be an important life skill to be able to stop to reflect and evaluate to determine your next steps.”
The second meeting will be on September 7th at 7:30 pm for all 4-H club leaders, and they will meet in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall on the Washington County Fairgrounds. Contact Amy Green at the Washington County Extension Office for more details about the meetings.