
Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer and many celebrate with barbecues and road trips. The Louisa County Sheriff’s Department, the Columbus Junction Police Department and the Iowa Department of Public Safety wants to remind you that one of the deadliest and most committed, yet preventable crimes, impaired driving, has become a serious epidemic in our country. 
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) during the 2020 Labor Day holiday period, September 4-8th, there were 530 traffic fatalities nationwide. A total of 46% of those fatalities involved drivers who had been drinking and more than one-third (38%) of the fatalities involved drivers who were over the legal limit. The Iowa Department of transportation reports seven fatalities occurred over the 2021 Labor Day holiday period.
The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau will be supporting law enforcement in Iowa with extra officers patrolling during the 2022 “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign through September 5th  in order to crush these results of rising impaired driving fatalities. 
The Iowa Department of Public Safety and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau reminds you:Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.