
The Washington Community Center will play host to another Washington Community theater production on October 14th,15th,21st,22nd, and 23rd. The title of the production is All About Agatha, a comedy set in a Salem, Massachusetts, home hundreds of years after the infamous Salem Witch Trials.

Director Lynn Loula talked with KCII about the theme of the play. “This play is not set during the Witch Trials but rather 250 years afterward, and there’s a witch that was burned on the sport. Despite all of this, it is still a comedy. Every year she returns to the house and haunts it every November 22nd, which has managed to scare everyone away who has dared to live in the house up until when the play takes place.”

Auditions took place on August 30th, and while the turnout was slightly less than what Loula would’ve desired, she says she is confident that the play will go on as scheduled. The Friday and Saturday shows will begin at 7:30 pm, with the Sunday matinee on October 23rd beginning at 2:30 pm.