
All 4-H club leaders will meet on Wednesday, September 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of Dallmeyer Hall on the Washington County Fairgrounds. The evening will include fall program planning, curriculum highlights, record book evaluations, award applications, and new year enrollment information.  During the meeting, 4-H members who have excelled in preparing their end-of-the-year record book will receive a record book award from Washington County 4-H and will be celebrated at a ceremony in November.

Amy Green, the 4-H & Youth Coordinator for Washington County 4-H, spoke with KCII about the importance of these awards for 4-H members. “Winning these awards is something that can be used on applications for the honor society, jobs, and scholarships down the road. I truly believe that employers and people who are involved in secondary education are very aware of what 4-H takes. When we have kids that are able to show that they are sometimes 9-year members, that truly says something about that kid, and the awards on top of that make it a big deal.

Sign-up information for new members for Clover Kids and 4-H are both available at the Washington County Extension Office. Club volunteers are also encouraged to attend the meeting on Wednesday.