Last week, the Washington Public Library announced they are partnering with Mango Languages to provide free membership to those with a Washington Public Library Card. Mango Languages uses algorithms and native-speaker audio to help users pick up on new vocabulary, learn unfamiliar grammatical structures, and use correct pronunciation.
Mango Languages can also be used for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) speakers. Library Director Cary Ann Siegfried says this is a significant aspect of the program. “For our patrons that may already be fluent in another language and are working on their English skills, especially their conversation skills, can use mango to help learn English which I think is a great service.”
Siegfried also talked with KCII about how the membership program for Mango Languages differs from Kanopy, the new streaming service the library has partnered with. “Residency does not matter with Mango as it does with Kanopy, so basically anybody with a Washington Library Card no matter where they live will be able to access Mango.” For registration information, contact the Washington Public Library.