At the September 6th Washington City Council meeting, the council unanimously approved establishing a Great Places Steering Committee. Members of the committee include Michelle Redlinger from the Chamber of Commerce, Mary Audia from WEDG, Mayor Jaron Rosien, City Council Members Millie Youngquist and Bethany Glinsmann, City Administrator Deanna McCusker, City Clerk Sally Hart, and a future representative from Main Street Washington. This committee has been formed as part of the ongoing effects of Washington being designated a great place by the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
Washington Mayor Jaron Rosien spoke with KCII about what this newly formed committee will do. “The steering committee will meet at least two times a year to oversee the program, evaluate and make referrals to the council on the elements of the program, be actively involved in the great places mentorship program, and oversee annual reports. In other words, this committee will evaluate and make referrals to the council.”
Iowa Great Places have collectively received more than $22 million in state support while leveraging millions more in local investments since the program started in 2005. Funding for the program comes from the Iowa Legislature through an annual appropriation from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund.