
The City of Ainsworth has issued a statement regarding their water supply. The city encountered an issue with their water supply distribution Thursday. Due to the potential for bacterial contamination, it is recommended that residents boil their water. It is suggested that all water be boiled for one minute prior to use in drinking, making ice, brushing teeth or food preparation. The city is recommending this be done until further notice. When regular water service is restored, there may be air in piping and water may appear discolored. Those using water in the city should run water first from a faucet that does not have an aerator screen, such as a bathtub to clear the lines.

The system has been repaired, re-pressurized and bacteria samples are being collected in compliance with guidelines from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, which is working with the city to resolve the situation. When the sample results are available and the advisory is lifted, residents will be notified. Any questions can be directed to Ainsworth Water Operator Brian Portwood at 319-936-4189.