
Homecoming began this week for Columbus Community School District. Festivities commenced with the coronation on Sunday, September 25. Daniel Martinez was elected as King, and Victoria Howell was crowned as Homecoming Queen. The Court also includes Tristin Miller, Ethan Palmer, Christian Colby, Dante Zuniga, Miriam Ruvalcalba, Sara Vela, Linda Sui, and Emma Humphreys.

Students have been participating in dress-up days throughout the week. Monday’s theme was Country World, followed by Special Character on Tuesday. Wednesday is Mismatched Day. Bikers vs. Surfers is Thursday’s theme, and Friday will be School Spirit Day.

Other Homecoming activities included Powderpuff Football, which took place on Monday. Wednesday’s schedule is highlighted by Ruff & Tuff Volleyball from 2-3:30 p.m. On Friday afternoon, a pep rally will be held for students, followed by a parade at 1:10.

Friday’s fun continues when Wildcats Football hosts North Mahaska at 7 p.m. The Homecoming Dance is scheduled for October 1, from 8-11 p.m.