
The Wayland City Council met in regular session on September 7th. There were a few key points discussed.

There was a 570-foot sewer main extension along Highway 78 to provide access to businesses in that area. The STS (Storage Transportation Service) Natural Gas agreement, which the City has with ANR (American Natural Resources) Pipeline for their natural gas system, was also extended for three years. The city’s O&M (Operations and Maintenance) Plan, which is similar to their Gas O&M Plan, was modified, but written procedures were incorporated into the plan rather than a separate plan. In addition, the city had purchased a new GPS/Tablet device. The City is in the early stages of asset inventory of City components using these GIS devices. The GPS/Tablet device allows City employees to map curb stops, hydrants, and other assets, as well as attach photos, asset information, maintenance schedules, and other digital files.

Visit the city’s website at www.waylandiowa.com for complete information on the Wayland City Council’s minutes and agenda.