With the holiday approaching, Louisa County Conservation is sponsoring the annual Halloween Hike on Saturday, October 22. The event will be held at Virginia Grove Recreation Area from 6-9 p.m.
This year’s theme is “Mysteries of the Night”. Participants can walk the luminated, quarter-mile path through the forest where 5 different skits will be performed by volunteers. Each skit is designed to entertain and inform the audience about the creatures that come alive at night. Skits are meant to be educational and not scary.
In addition to the trail, the evening will include a campfire, s’mores, hot cocoa, along with other treats. Guests are asked to bring their own reusable mug. Halloween costumes are encouraged, but not required.
Tickets for the Halloween Hike are 2 dollars per person. All ages are welcome, however children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Guided tours will run every 10 minutes from 6-8 p.m. and pre-registration for this event is required. To register, or for additional information, call Louisa County Conservation at 319-523-8381 or send an email to conservation@louisacountyia.gov.