Beginning this weekend, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will be going door-to-door in Kalona, Keota, and Wellman, as part of their annual food drive. “Scouting for Food,” which became a national event in 1988, asks residents of these areas to donate any canned foods or non-perishable items.
Saturday, October 1, Cub Scout Pack 234 will be in the city of Kalona, distributing collection bags. Boy Scout Troop 234 is scheduled to do the same in Keota and Wellman Sunday, October 2. Participants are asked to put their donations in the bag, where they will be picked up next week. Collection bags must be placed on front steps or other visible location Saturday, October 8 by 9 a.m. in Kalona, and by noon in Keota and Wellman.
In addition to the food drive, scouts will be collecting flags in need for retirement, as well as selling popcorn, one of their major fundraisers.
As members of the Hawkeye Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 234 and Pack 234 include scouts from Kalona, Keota, Richmond, Washington, Wellman, and West Chester. Scott Flynn can be contacted for more information about Troop 234 at kalonatroop234@gmail.com. For details about Pack 234, please contact Jeff Kaufman at hawkeye101@gmail.com.