At the most recent Washington Community School Board meeting, the board unanimously approved taking action to avoid not having use of the school baseball field for the next two years due to issues with the impending construction. With construction at the high school set to begin at the end of the school year, concerns have been raised about the construction possibly rendering the field unusable for the next two years.
As it stands right now, the building project would encroach fifty feet into the southeast area of the field. Different fields around the area were looked at as possible temporary homes, but the fields were either deemed too small or the surface of the field deemed inadequate for high school baseball.
Willie Stone, the Superintendent of Washington Community Schools, spoke with KCII about some of the possible solutions that the board is pursuing. “In order to play games there, we are looking at possibly putting up a fence and installing netting around the area so that the field is more realistic. If you’re dealing with a 250ft fence that’s only 4ft high, it’s not that realistic, but if you take the fence up to 20ft, you have to give it a good shot to get it out.
The next Washington Community School Board meeting will be held on October 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Washington Community School Board’s Central Office at 404 W Main Street in Washington.