
Fall colors are progressing in Iowa. With peak viewing in the northern part of the state estimated for next week, cottonwood, hackberry, elm, basswood and walnut are turning yellow. Virginia Creeper and sumac are adding red and orange. This year, fall colors are appearing more vibrant, likely due to the recent cooler weather.

Central Iowa’s ash, walnut, cottonwood, and bur oaks are yellow as well. More maples are turning red and yellow, with poison ivy turning all shades of yellow, orange and red. Due to conducive weather for fall colors over the last 10 days, major river valleys are at 20-25% color change. Peak viewing for central Iowa is scheduled to begin October 15.

Southeast Iowa saw little change in the last week, with much of the landscape still remaining green. Small pockets of yellow can be seen from elm, walnut, ash, and cottonwood. White ash and dogwood are showing some purple, and some urban maples continue to show a little red and orange. Peak viewing for southeast Iowa is still on pace for October 20.