
The Riverside Fire Department has upgraded one of the trucks in their fleet.

The Department now has a new brush truck. The truck’s primary function is to assist in the suppression of brush and/or wildfires. It is a pick-up style truck with four-wheel drive and a tank. The new truck allows them to move more easily in  fields and on softer terrain. The new truck also includes a  remote-controlled nozzle that allows firefighters to fight fires from inside the firetruck’s cab.

This is in contrast to the old brush truck they had for the past 30 years, which forced the firefighters to ride on the outside, putting their safety at risk. With most fire apparatus lasting 20-25 years, the Department decided it was time to get a new truck due to the amount of money they were spending on repairs each year.

The new truck cost $85,000, which included decals, graphics, lights, and other features. The funds came from their taxation fund, which is supported by Riverside and the other townships they serve. RESA, their non-profit organization, also contributed to the purchase of the new truck (Riverside Emergency Service Association). In which the funds were raised through fundraisers and community events organized by this group.