
At the October 11th Washington County Board of Supervisors meeting, the board held a pair of closed sessions to address the professional competency of an individual. The combined length of these two meetings lasted over five hours and involved representatives from the Washington County Ambulance Service and Washington County Attorney John Gish.

At the end of the second closed session, it was announced that a special Board of Supervisors meeting would be held on Thursday, October 20th, at 9:00 am to continue addressing the issue. Chairman Richard Young, Board Member Jack Seward Jr., and Gish explained why this meeting was scheduled.

Young: “The reason why the meeting was set for the 20th and not the 18th is that we want all five members t be here to make that decision.”

Gish: “Part of the issue for making a decision today (October 11th) is the time constraints of the board members.”

Seward Jr.: “The meeting will start open and move to closed, and then we will come out of it, and if any decision is going to be made, it will be during an open session.”

The meeting will be Thursday, October 20th at 9:00 am in the Supervisor’s Chambers in the basement of the Washington County Courthouse.