The Washington City Council and an outside consultant held a goal-setting session on October 11th. At the meeting, the board and the consultant discussed strategic priorities for the city going forward.
Washington City Councilwoman Millie Youngquist spoke to KCII about how the outside consultant that was brought in developed ideas to help the council. “Our consultant that we had hired to come in and do this, he spent all day here meeting with the various department heads and got their feedback on what they thought our accomplishments were. We also talked about some concerns that we need to work on addressing over the coming years.”
Youngquist said that the council went into the meeting with close to 15 possible long-term goals and that the list had been narrowed down to five after the meeting. Those goals will remain under consideration until the council decides to make them public.
The next meeting of the Washington City Council will be Tuesday, October 18th, at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at Washington City Hall.