At the October 12th Washington Community School Board Meeting, Superintendent Willie Stone gave his monthly report to the board. One of the main issues discussed during the report was the district’s usage of its therapeutic classrooms that have just completed their first year in service. The classrooms are designed to provide students that may be undergoing a difficult mental situation at school with a place where they can calm down and compose themselves in a safe environment.
Stone spoke with KCII Radio after the meeting and talked about how these new classrooms have drawn the eyes of other districts around the area. “Our district is the only district that has a classroom in every building and is open to everyone. We are the front runners in the state when it comes to these classrooms, and we do have several districts that have contacted us and have wanted to know all the ins and outs of what we are doing. This is something that we are super proud of and is something that is providing a great service to our kids.”
Stone noted that the classrooms also serve as a way to help students with sensory issues by providing them with a more relaxed environment. The school district has also implemented the use of therapy dogs in all buildings except for Lincoln.
To hear Superintendent Stone’s entire interview about Therapeutic Classrooms in Washington Community Schools, you can listen to the October 18th edition of the Halcyon House Washington Page online at