At the October 18th Washington City Council meeting, the council unanimously approved awarding a construction contract for the 2022 Washington Water Main Project. This will be a comprehensive project that will address areas that have historically had some of the most frequent water main breaks.
Washington Mayor Jaron Rosien talked with KCII Radio about the grant funding that is being used for the project. “It’s a major water main project that includes $600,000 in community development block grant funding (CDBG). This will be the 12th project in the city of Washington since 2012 to use that type of funding. Other infrastructure projects that have used CDBG funding include the wastewater treatment plant, the water treatment plant, and the water tower. It’s super helpful to have that chunk of money in addition to the other money we have to bond and set aside for these projects.”
For questions about the upcoming 2022 Washington Water Main Project, contact the City Administrator’s Office at Washington City Hall.