The Washington Chamber of Commerce will partner with KCII Radio to hold its candidate forum at Lebowski’s in Washington on Tuesday, November 1st. The first half of the forum will see the candidates in contested campaigns on a stage to answer questions from a moderator. Those races are for State Senate District 46, between Sens. Dawn Driscoll (R) and Kevin Kinney (D), and for State House District 92, between candidates Heather Hora (R) and Eileen Beran (D).
After the forum, from 5:00-6:00 p.m., Lebowski’s will host a casual candidate mixer, where community members can enjoy refreshments and talk one-on-one with state and local candidates. The Washington Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forum will be live on KCII from 4:00-5:00 pm. For more information about the upcoming forum and mixer, contact Washington Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Michelle Redlinger.