
On Wednesday, November 9, the Columbus Police Department was notified of a 16-year-old male and 13-year-old female on the Columbus school grounds. The two, both former students, were in violation of the No Trespass Orders issued to them prior to the incident.

Upon confrontation with the police, the male student escalated the incident and was immediately arrested. The female student was not arrested, but is currently awaiting a court date for other charges relating to the district and community businesses.

The following day, a social media message sent by the female student was brought to the attention of the school and is being considered as a vague threat. The district planned to reach out to the County Attorney’s Office to determine if additional charges can be brought on the student for these threats.

On Sunday, November 13, the Columbus School District released a letter to the community ensuring the safety of their building. They continue to work with law enforcement and the juvenile court office while the situation is handled.

Assisting the Columbus Police Department on the call was a deputy for the Louisa County Sheriff’s Office.